This is my first political comment on my blog, and want you to know that I am not a member of the NRA.
I truly believe that President Obama does not have the same loyalty, pride, and dreams that our founding father had for this country and the freedom they guaranteed for us.. That his political views and his understanding of government, is that the masses must be totally controlled by intellectual elites, whom because of their presumed intelligence are ordained because of the gift to rule absolutely. One should make the observation at this point that Hitler, and his minions of the Third Reich were all "intellectuals" with IQ in the 130s. The intellectual fall into the age old presumption that they are destine to rule because they are smart and if they are smart, their assumptions must be correct, and therefore they should be the one to rule. But as above being smart does not mean being moral too.
The present administration in its left leaning push to rule absolutely every phase of human life, (after all being "intellectually superior", they know what best for you) want to disarm the American citizen. They can't seem to get around the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution - - right now. But they are going to try what amounts to an 'end run' around it.
By having Hilary Clinton agreeing to a international treaty on limiting gun production and arms control, they are seeking to close gun ownership to American Citizens. IF the senate ratifies that treaty, they will have violated the very constitution we hold dear.
Every constitutional lawyer that I have read or who has published anything on this subject, has said that this treaty will not stand a constitutional challenge in the Supreme Court. But that is the Supreme Court as it is chaired today. If Obama gets to put another like thinking justice on the bench, they could rule otherwise. Therefore it is imperative that the senate not ratify that treaty. Like the health care bill, he is planning to ram this down the throats of the American people.
The only way that we as American citizens can continue our freedoms, is by taking active role in the America politic. Not only in who we vote into office, but to continue to read up on issues before both houses AND LET THEM KNOW HOW WE FEEL AND WANT!! Use that telephone! Use that e-mail!
Write that letter! Demand again and again that they listen to your views. Remember that they have to listen.
Not only that, write, call, and e-mail Obama. Demand his attention! Let him know too that you will hold him accountable to any violation of our constitutional rights. By the way, his health care plan violates the constitutional in case you have not heard. Why would 13 states be suing the very Federal government just over that issue?
This is a pivot point in our history as a country. By not paying attention and being to aligned with one party or the other, plus the very real stigmata of "white guilt", we elected that wrong man at the wrong time. We listened to promises he never indented and will not keep. We simply can not let our freedoms go with out a fight.
Vote out the incumbents. These offices were never indented to become 'careers' for these 'destine few'. Remember that "power corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Lord Acton 1887 and "power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it." William Pitt -1770
See the following link.
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